Article 10, Computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs)

1. Each Member State shall designate or establish one or more CSIRTs. The CSIRTs may be designated or established within a competent authority. The CSIRTs shall comply with the requirements set out in Article 11(1), shall cover at least the sectors, subsectors and types of entityEntity Means a natural or legal person created and recognised as such under the national law of its place of establishment, which may, acting under its own name, exercise rights and be subject to obligations. - Definition according Article 6 Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (NIS2 Directive) referred to in Annexes I and II, and shall be responsible for incident handlingIncident handling Means any actions and procedures aiming to prevent, detect, analyse, and contain or to respond to and recover from an incident. - Definition according Article 6 Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (NIS2 Directive) in accordance with a well-defined process.

2. Member States shall ensure that each CSIRT has adequate resources to carry out effectively its tasks as set out in Article 11(3).

3. Member States shall ensure that each CSIRT has at its disposal an appropriate, secure, and resilient communication and information infrastructure through which to exchange information with essential and important entities and other relevant stakeholders. To that end, Member States shall ensure that each CSIRT contributes to the deployment of secure information-sharing tools.

4. The CSIRTs shall cooperate and, where appropriate, exchange relevant information in accordance with Article 29 with sectoral or cross-sectoral communities of essential and important entities.

5. The CSIRTs shall participate in peer reviews organised in accordance with Article 19.

6. Member States shall ensure the effective, efficient and secure cooperation of their CSIRTs in the CSIRTs network.

7. The CSIRTs may establish cooperation relationships with third countries’ national computer security incidentIncident Means an event compromising the availability, authenticity, integrity or confidentiality of stored, transmitted or processed data or of the services offered by, or accessible via, network and information systems. - Definition according Article 6 Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (NIS2 Directive) response teams. As part of such cooperation relationships, Member States shall facilitate effective, efficient and secure information exchange with those third countries’ national computer security incident response teams, using relevant information-sharing protocols, including the traffic light protocol. The CSIRTs may exchange relevant information with third countries’ national computer security incident response teams, including personal data in accordance with Union data protection law.

8. The CSIRTs may cooperate with third countries’ national computer security incident response teams or equivalent third-country bodies, in particular for the purpose of providing them with cybersecurityCybersecurity ‘cybersecurity’ means cybersecurity as defined in Article 2, point (1), of Regulation (EU) 2019/881; - Definition according Article 6 Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (NIS2 Directive) 'cybersecurity’ means the activities necessary to protect network and information systems, the users of such systems, and other persons affected by cyber threats; - Definition according Article 2, point (1), of Regulation (EU) 2019/881; assistance.

9. Each Member State shall notify the Commission without undue delay of the identity of the CSIRT referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and the CSIRT designated as coordinator pursuant to Article 12(1), of their respective tasks in relation to essential and important entities, and of any subsequent changes thereto.

10. Member States may request the assistance of ENISA in developing their CSIRTs.